Getting Started with JobTread… The Right Way.

You signed up for JobTread, now what? New software is a great tool to organize and streamline your processes. Getting set up the right way will pay dividends over time. These tips will help you lay the foundation for a successful JobTread launch.
Schedule training.
There is no need to click around and figure it out on your own! Our JobTread Experts will guide you in a live training session. Knowledge is power, so learning all features and functions of the software right away will help you maximize your investment and alleviate headaches.
Choose a transition date.
Being in a constant state of transition will never result in growth. Decide a target date for making a full transition to JobTread. Schedule blocks of time to complete the Getting Started Punch List to continue making progress!

Customize your account.
Feel at home by making JobTread your own. JobTread is customizable to support the business practices you already have in place. From uploading your logo to customizing document names and job numbers; setting up the software to align with your current practices will make the transition process much easier. Make progress on the Getting Started Punch List and use the JobTread Template Library to get the ball rolling!
Involve key players.
It sometimes takes a village to get the job done. Invite your team members to join JobTread early on so they can become familiar with the software and aid in your transition. Contact JobTread Support to schedule a customized training session for your whole team so they learn and feel comfortable with the software right away. Team members who feel they are a part of the change process are often committed to seeing it through!
Commit to your transition.
Jump in with both feet and invest yourself fully. Once you implement JobTread, conduct all your business through the software. It may be tempting to stick with your “old ways,” but you will double the work with little reward... not to mention the higher chances of mistakes.
Don't have JobTread yet but would love to improve your business with one simple tool?
Sign up today, and let JobTread be your guide to a more organized, efficient, and profitable busines. It only takes a few minutes to get started.
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