Builder Stories Podcast Hosted by Eric Fortenberry
Episode 22

Niching Down to ScaleWith Kevin Choquette of Ravin Builders

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Meet Kevin Choquette, owner of Ravin Builders a specialty deck builder located in Richmond, Rhode Island. Two years ago, Kevin made the pivotal decision to shift the focus of his company towards a single niche: boutique deck building. Little did he know that this strategic move would prove to be a game-changer, propelling his average project value from less than $40,000 to more than $160,000.

Here are a few key takeaways from the discussion with Kevin:

  • Targeting a very specific type of project to scale the company
  • Managing the growth of the business
  • Tracking project costing and margins constantly
  • Keeping your employees happy
  • Creating a culture of reliability

Listen to the episode to learn more.


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