Builder Stories Podcast Hosted by Eric Fortenberry
Episode 14

Never Stop Promoting Your Business With Luan Nguyen of Deck Bros

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Meet Luan Nguyen, founder of Deck Bros, a deck building company in Omaha, Nebraska.

After having his work hours reduced during the pandemic, he started fixing up his own home and realized he could do it for others. He began advertising on Facebook to see if there was any interest and a business was born. After finding a business partner, they did over $1 million in the first year of business, crediting the success to always marketing the business.

Listen to the episode to learn more.

Here are a few key takeaways from the discussion with Luan:

  • Be a marketing and sales company first
  • How to convert interest into deals
  • Putting a personal touch on branding
  • How the law of reciprocity can impact sales
  • Focusing on customer testimonials


Visit the Deck Bros website here.

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