Product Updates
Sep. 18, 2023
Resize Budget Columns
Easily adjust the width of columns in all your budget views, ensuring that crucial information is readily accessible without unnecessary clicks. Simply click and drag the divider between columns to expand or contract them to your preference. When you're satisfied with your customized view, access the Budget View Settings drawer by clicking the gear icon beside the budget view name and hit the "Save" button in green to preserve your changes.
Sep. 15, 2023
Notification Preferences
New notification preferences give you the power to tailor your own notifications and manage notifications for internal and external roles. Curate notifications from a diverse range of JobTread activity related to customers, jobs, tasks, messages, and more. Then select your preferred delivery method (in app, email, or push) for each notification type. Enable push notifications on each of your devices and personalize notifications in your JobTread Profile today!
Sep. 14, 2023
Formulas and Parameters
Say goodbye to manual calculations and hello to streamlined estimates. Harness the power of formulas to precisely calculate cost item quantities, costs, and prices while building job budgets. Formulas reference custom job parameters, cost group quantities, and cost item details to simplify take-off and give you confidence, knowing that every estimate is backed by accurate, data-driven projections. Take full advantage of the formulas feature with these highlights:
Start using the new feature by exploring formula examples and best practices within the Help Desk!
Aug. 04, 2023
Baseline Schedule, Files on Tasks, and More!
We've made even more tweaks to tasks and schedules so you can stay on track!
Jul. 26, 2023
Cost-Plus Enhancements
Manage cost-plus jobs more easily by choosing a price type when creating a new job. Cost-plus job budgets will show projected price, actual price, and profits with greater accuracy and transparency. When creating invoices, use the new status filter to view bills and time with more clarity and view all documents related to an invoice with the click of a button! Have jobs that need to be converted to a cost-plus price type? Simply click the "Edit Job" button on the job dashboard and make the switch!
Jul. 18, 2023
CompanyCam Integration
Streamline your file organization with the native CompanyCam integration! Capture photos, files, and videos through CompanyCam, and automatically sync them to your job files in JobTread. File tags, edits, and markups made to the files in CompanyCam will also sync over. Navigate to the Integrations tab in your JobTread Settings to get started!
Jul. 17, 2023
Team Availability on Job Schedule
View real-time availability of your team members and avoid accidentally double-booking! Use the new “View Availability” button while building your job schedule to view internal team member and vendor availability by week. Also, an availability icon will appear after selecting an assignee for a task, indicating whether the assignee has conflicting tasks on the same or adjacent days. View details for conflicting tasks simply by clicking on the icon next to their name.
Jul. 14, 2023
Export Job Budget to Catalog
Save a job budget as a cost group in your catalog to use on future jobs! Either export the entire budget to a catalog cost group using the main export button or select specific cost items to export from the mass actions drawer. The export will pull existing, linked cost items from the catalog into the cost group or create new catalog cost items if they are not saved in the catalog yet.
Jul. 14, 2023
Uncategorized Cost Mapping Dashboard
Leverage the new cost mapping dashboard to easily reconcile all uncategorized costs that are pulled from QuickBooks Online. Find the dashboard in JobTread Reports to search and map uncategorized costs to the correct cost items in your job budgets in one place!
Jul. 06, 2023
Task & Schedule Custom Views
Customize and save your task and schedule views to stay on top of your jobs! Simply click the gear icon to apply filters and save each unique view to tailor your experience and then choose to share the view with your organization. These saved views work seamlessly across both the organization task tool and the job schedule, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
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